anchiqiche 发表于 2007-1-7 03:07 只看TA 1楼 | ||
[转帖] 我喜欢的漂亮女优,那位高人能详细介绍下,跪谢了! 我最喜欢女优EVE ANGEL(准确的说应该叫迷恋),想了解她的情况,坛子里那位兄弟知道EVE ANGEL的资料麻烦能告知兄弟一下,(如:她怎么进入AV界?为什么退出AV界?现在的情况等?),越详细越好!最好是中文的, 兄弟这里先谢了!她拍的片子不多,也不是很经典,不过萝卜青菜各有所爱,我喜欢她的容貌和身材(叫床声就不敢恭维了!) 我翻遍了网上找了一些她简单的资料,如下(不会贴图,抱歉了): 个人网站
出生日期:1983年5月19日 籍贯:匈牙利 布达佩斯 身高:166厘米 三围: 88-64-94 头发颜色:黑色 眼睛颜色:黑色 以下是她的简介(因本人英语水平实在有限,翻译的不到位的地方,还请海涵): I have a sister and a brother. My sister is younger than me by 13 years and my brother is older by 2. I was his present for his 2nd birthday, since he was born on 19th of May also. I don抰 know if he was happy about that, but we were playing that cat-and-mouse game for a long time. Today we are in a good relationship. We manage a design company together. During my years in primary school, I wasn抰 very different from my ordinary classmates. I was a bit shy, but I would stand up for myself if I needed too. I liked to play sports very much and have played all kinds of sports. In secondary school, I wasn抰 a very good girl. I developed an attitude and would talk back to everyone. I also turned into a real party girl. This was how I behaved until graduation. Since graduation, I have calmed down quite a bit and matured. I enjoy going for a walk or spending time having fun with my sister. I also have been travelling quite a lot, which I love. I have seen almost every ruin of all the castles in Hungary. I got into the modeling business via a girlfriend of mine. I wasn抰 eighteen when she mentioned that there is an opportunity for me to do this. Until I became 18, I concentrated hard on learning everything I could about being a model. After my 18th birthday, I became a model and put all I had learned to good use. My earlier shoots were mostly all boy/girl scenes. Now, I only work with beautiful women and I enjoy this much more. In the beginning the money and travelling was what I wanted out of modeling. Today, I model because it is fun and it is something that I truly enjoy. I had this preconceived notion that there are a lot of girls who have the beauty, but no brains in this industry. This is not the case as I soon learned. I've had the pleasure of meeting and working with some very beautiful and intelligent women, many of whom I've become friends with. On my site, you抣l be able to see some of those with whom I have a very good relationship. My hobbies: reading exciting books, walking in nature, dogging in the parks (I have a staffordshire bullterrier and a mutt). I like to cook, obviously because I like to eat so much. This is usually a guy-thing, maybe that抯 why I like girls also. ;-) I'm more attracted to brunettes, however my girlfriends are mostly blondes. I like average girls, who radiate through personality and looks. I like when a person knows what they want, whether it would be a man or a woman. I don抰 like men who are too into their sports. I prefer the average everday kind of guy, the ones you are most likely to randomly meet on the street. There must be also be something in his eyes that grabs my attention. A sense of kindness with a bit of the wild side to him. He has to have a sense of humor and be bold enough to approach me on the street. I've never bitten anyone's head off for introducing himself to me. I prefer brunettes with an average build and not taller than me by more than 3 heads. Videos: Hustler Productions: Anal Intensive 1, Campus Confessions 1, Mr. Beaver Checks In 17, North Pole 40, Platinum 4: Arsenic 1 Private: Big Member, Castings 31 Viv Thomas: Bubblegum Babes 5, Pink Velvet, Reality Porn 1, Young Lesbian Lust Erotic Magazines: Triple X Magazine 44 from Private, Barely Legal Hardcore 9 from Hustler, US-Magazines Hawk (November and September 2003), Just 18 (February and August 2003), Swank Magazine (March, July, October 2003), Gallery Magazine (March and May 2003), German Penthouse (May 2004), Erotica Magazine (2004). 大意是说她18岁的时候开始进入AV界,拍了一些片子,现在她退出AV界,与她的妹妹和哥哥一起经营一家公司,只拍女孩的片子(同性恋)。 她喜欢读书和散步,喜欢英俊、有幽默感、富有同情心的男人。 以下是她拍的片子: 皮条客公司:肛门强烈的1,校园供认1,先生海狸登记17,北极40,白金4:砷1 隐私公司:大的成员,铸件31 托马斯:摇滚舞曲小孩5,粉红色天鹅绒,女同性恋 还有一些片子不知道是哪个公司的:法律的皮11,纵酒狂欢世界3,肉的愉快,掘地小孩,三倍数(和日本人拍的) 有些片子我从网上找到了些片段,清晰度不是很好将就着凑合看,那位兄弟有她的高清片希望能分享一下(有偿也可)! [ 本帖最后由 乾隆 于 2007-1-7 10:28 AM 编辑 ] |
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我喜欢的漂亮女优,那位高人能详细介绍下,跪谢了! |
anchiqiche 发表于 2007-3-9 03:27 只看TA 6楼 |
外出学习终于回来了,哈哈! |
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