haoren888888 发表于 2008-5-27 13:54 全显示 1楼 |
[转帖] 云腿芥菜胆 ![]() 云腿芥菜胆 用料: 芥菜450克,火腿40克。 煮芥菜调味: 水2杯,盐1/3茶匙,糖1/3茶匙,油3汤匙。 芡: 上汤2/3杯,生粉11/3茶匙,生抽1茶匙,糖1/4茶匙,麻油少许。 做法: 1、芥菜洗净,除去叶,改成菜胆。 2、水4杯放入锅内煮滚,下梳打粉1茶匙,放下芥菜煮腍,不须加盖,约煮4分钟,捞起用清水冲洗,以去梳打粉味。 3、把煮芥菜调味煮滚,下芥菜又煮滚,取起沥干水,盛碟上。 4、火腿切片,洒下1茶匙糖蒸10分钟,把腿排在芥菜上。 5、下油1汤匙在镬中,下芡煮滚,淋在火腿及芥菜上。 MUSTARD GREEN WITH HAM Ingredients: 1 1b mustard green; 1 1/3 oz Chinese ham Seasoning for mustard green: 2 cup superior stock; 1 1/3 tsp mung bean flour; 1 tsp light soy sauce; 1/4 tsp sugar; dash of sesame oil Method: 1.Wash and remove leaves of mustard green. 2.Boil up 4 cups of water. Cook mustard green with 1 tsp of bicarbonate of soda for about 4 minutes, uncovered. Drain and rinse well. 3.Boil up seasoning for mustard green. Add in mustard green. Bring to boil. Take out and drain. Dish on plate. 4.Slice ham. Sprinkle with 1 tsp of sugar and steam for 10 minutes. Arrange on top of cooked vegetables. 5.Heat up 1 tbsp of oil in wok. Pour in thickening. Bring to boil. Pour on top of prepared dish. Serve. |
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