
一首老歌one in a million ~~ Bosson


一首老歌one in a million ~~ Bosson

Bosson是瑞典一个集作词、作曲、编曲、演唱于一身的实力派创作型音乐才子。他的个人魅力首先于洛杉矶引爆,首支单曲《We Live》便得到知名电台KIIS-FM的强力推荐,歌迷的疯狂点播使其歌声广泛流传;第二主打《Where Are You》攻入排行榜前40名,并创下10万张的销售纪录。并被美国最著名音乐杂志 《Billboard Magazine》赞赏为当今瑞典最佳男歌手。

Bosson极富传奇经历的音乐历程促成了他的里程碑式的专辑 《One in a million》(《独一无二》)的诞生。正是这首《One in a million》让他一举成名。这首为Sandra Bullock(珊卓拉·布洛克)主演的好莱坞影片《Miss Congeniality 特工佳丽》量身定做的主题曲光芒四射,得到了专家的一致好评,并于当年与Bob Dylan、Bjork、Sting等同时获得金球奖提名「年度最佳电影主题曲」的殊荣,继而走红全球。  

当《One in a million》享誉全球后,Bosson被邀请与Kylie Minogue和小甜甜布兰妮等同台巡回演出,听众高达7万多人。在他大范围的全球巡演中,他又与N'Sync, West life, 98 degree, LFO等很多著名的艺术家同台献艺。  

2003年,Bosson的第三张专辑《Rockstar》发表。歌曲《You Opened My Eyes》迅速占据多国的电台榜单前列。这一次Bosson和著名的瑞典作曲家Bobb Ljunggren合作写下了歌曲《Efharisto》(希腊语《感谢你》),并且参加了瑞典音乐节,被瑞典人推崇为心中最喜爱歌手。同时这首歌也获得俄罗斯电台最流行外语歌曲奖。  
横扫欧美乐坛之后又征服了亚洲乐迷的耳朵,Bosson的专辑《One in a million》在全球创下百万销售奇迹。2005年在中国发行之后,反响热烈,很快他就收到了许多中国歌迷的问候和卡片。他很感谢中国歌迷的热情和关心,并表示如果有机会一定要去中国演出。因一次偶然,他发现了中国摇滚乐队——零点乐队。并经得同意用英文翻唱了其代表作的《爱不爱我》。与中国音乐人有了这第一次的合作后Bosson就看好了中国的音乐市场.


one in a million  

You're one in a million, Oh now  
You're one in a million, Oh -

Sometimes I can't hate you every day  
Sometimes you can fall for everyone you see  
Only one can really make me stay  
A sign from the sky  
Said to me   

You're one in a million   
You're once in a lifetime  
You made me discover one of the stars above us   
You're one in a million  
You're once in a lifetime BLN  
You made me discover one of the stars above us %%~RsD&  
I've been looking for that special one
And I've been searching for someone to give my love
And when I thought that all the hope was gone
You smile, there you were and I was gone
I always will remember how I felt that day 
A feeling indescribable to me, Yeah  
I always knew there was an answer for my prayer
And you, you're the one for me  
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime  
You made me discover one of the stars above us
You're one in a million  
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover one of the stars above us
You're one in a million  
You're once in a lifetime  
You made me discover one of the stars above us
You're one in a million  
You're once in a lifetime  
You made me discover one of the stars above us  

I was cool and everything was possible   
You tried to catch me but it wasn't possible  
No one could hurt me it was my game
Until I met you baby and went insane
And when you didn't want me, I wanted you
Because the finer thing bout it was I like to go
I like it when its difficult I like it when it's hard   
You know it's worth it if ya find your heart  

You're one in a million  
You're once in a lifetime 
You made me discover one of the stars above us   
You're one in a million   
You're once in a lifetime  
You made me discover one of the stars above us  
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime  
You made me discover one of the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover one of the stars above us  
You're one in a million, Oh  
You're one in a million   

one in a million ~~ Bosson


  • 小妞拉大车 金币 +10 不错的贴子。。有进步 2007-11-25 09:25


这首歌 听起来感觉不错,在酒吧放应该是很不错的曲子~!


楼主辛苦了 在这寂寞的夜里 听这歌精神百倍 很有活力




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