恶月之子 发表于 2007-12-9 13:58 只看TA 1楼 |
震撼心灵-Phil Colins--Another Day In Paradise ![]() [wmv]http://www.normanknight.com/anotherdayinparadise.mp3[/wmv] 下载地址:http://www.normanknight.com/anotherdayinparadise.mp3 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Another Day In Paradise Compose / Lyrics / Vocal / Phil Collins. She calls out to the man on the street "Sir, can you help me? It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep, Is there somewhere you can tell me?" He walks on, doesn't look back He pretends he can't hear her Starts to whistle as he crosses the street Seems embarrassed to be there Oh think twice, it's just another day for You and me in paradise Oh think twice, it's just another day for you, You and me in paradise She calls out to the man on the street He can see she's been crying She's got blisters on the soles of her feet She can't walk but she's trying Oh lord, is there nothing more anybody can do Oh lord, there must be something you can say You can tell from the lines on her face You can see that she's been there Probably been moved on from every place 'Cos she didn't fit in there __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 我喜欢情歌,人都是有感情的,爱情是人性中最伟大的一部分,但是看看现在的歌坛,每天都会有一个油头粉面的奶油小生跳出来用痛苦的眼神看着你,唱着“我爱你”或者“我失恋了”,这些人是我最讨厌的一类人。爱是温情的,但它更是健康的! 好像说这些和这首Another Day In Paradise没什么关系,我要说的是作为一个歌手,作为一个公众人物,不能只是自私的将个人生活和情感世界表达出来,更应该去关心身边的事务,去关心真正在精神上需要支持的群体,Phil Colins做到了,仔细品味这首歌曲,你会从里面听出对于这个世界上存在的不公平的愤怒,这种控诉是发自内心的,人们的冷漠是世界上最令人毛骨悚然的事情,然而我看到这种恐怖症在我们身边蔓延着,你有多就没有在路边无助的大娘碗里放下哪怕一毛钱了?希望华语歌坛也能有越来越多的这种‘博爱’的作品出现... [ 本帖最后由 恶月之子 于 2007-12-10 20:50 编辑 ] |
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